Planets & Stuff

Planets & Stuff
TRANSITS/ September 2015
Sunrise in Sardinia Italy.
Sunrise in Sardinia Italy.


There is a Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September13 at 2:45 AM eastern time here on the east coast will make many unspoken words seem clear. Sometimes it is actions that take place situations in one's life and the turning of events that have taken a long time to happen. If wanting to make a change or looking to move or change jobs sometimes;this can happen suddenly after a long time waiting.Secrets can come out in to the open;and sometimes surprises that one does not expect;and dreams can come true.Jupiter is in Virgo at this time and making a nice connection to this Eclipse in Virgo.This is good for many of the earth signs and of course if one knows their Rising Sign (Or Ascendent) there can be a deeper meaning being played out into the open.Pluto goes direct on September 24 and that has a connection to behind the scenes influences that suddenly come out into the open.Be prepared for big surprises good or bad it's a mixed bag at this time. September is an eventful month full of changes and many re-evaluation's since Mercury goes retrograde on September 17 until October10. Venus went direct on September 6 and at this time Venus and Mars are in a tight conjunction in Leo (yay for me) and for people who may have these leo planets in middle to late degrees in their sign. Lets see what happens! Also there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in early degrees of Aires on September 27;this has a very strong connection to what happened in March;20,and April 4. Light and Love to all!

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