Total Solar Eclipse In Pisces

So here we go again with those Eclipse’s! This one in 19-20 degrees of good old Pisces(For me its on my moon in my 5th house),having an effect upon my relationship with my child and of course creativity and love.Where ever you have Pisces will be the place that you feel this New Moon/Super Moon/Solar Eclipse.This eclipse is also making a nice conjunction with Chiron(the healer) what part of you needs healing or letting go ? There is some powerful energy here with the connection to transiting Neptune in Pisces(Neptune rules Pisces) and of course Mercury moving into Pisces and Venus ;soon to be in Pisces;and of corse the opposition to Jupiter in Virgo and Square to Saturn in Sagittarius and Mars in Sagittarius.Yeah its that crazy “Astrology “talk again but I know that most of my readers get it so np worries there. This will be a very powerful month and a month of true love soul bonding and creativity coming from a very high and true source. Love yourself and you can then love others! Happy Solar Eclipse! For some this will be a “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”!Lunar_eclipse_April_4_2015_greatest_Alfredo_Garcia_Jr_LAHREFa227ad01-577e-4764-ad08-f5c9e4df32ba

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