Planets & Stuff In The Universe


a227ad01-577e-4764-ad08-f5c9e4df32baWe are in a time right now that is highly emotional at the drop of a hat,and words can really make an impact that is lasting at this time. Saturn is getting ready to make a strong connection with the next Full Moon/Blue Moon in late degrees of Sagittarius,on June 21. Mars is still retrograding and at this point, is at about 23 degrees of Scorpio. Mars will not go direct until June 29,and that is when things should calm down a bit. We will be in the shadow for a few days but by beginning of July we should all see what has been hidden for so long.Neptune being in Pisces can be psychic but we have also had a retrograde with this planet as well. Any deception that has been going on will be revealed and many people will be able to make decisions in a mature and responsible way. Look at it like a road block being lifted and now you can race to where ever you want to be.The Psychic energy is very strong with this connection of transits and there is allot of creativity in the air.There is allot of emotion out there as well.Lets remember that “Mans urge to create is stronger than his urge to destroy”.———-MLCCO

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